9000+ SQM

Exhibition Floor Space






Exhibiting Companies


Industry Expert Speakers


Networking Hours


Conference Sessions

Connecting Africa's Energy Industry Elite

The NOG Energy Club provides world-class hospitality to the energy industry's leaders, innovators, and influencers. It welcomed the industry's elite in a relaxed setting, offering an exclusive lounge outside the formal structure of NOG Energy Week's busy programme.

The NOG Energy Club offers an exclusive and premium environment for industry leaders, innovators, and influencers to meet, network, and exchange ideas. With its private, VIP-only meeting lounge, dedicated catering, and priority services, the club provides a relaxed setting outside the formal structure of NOG Energy Week's busy programme. It is the perfect platform for strengthening connections, fostering valuable relationships, and gaining access to high-level networking opportunities.

IMG 6024

NOG Energy Club Sponsored By

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NOG Energy Club Highlights

Contact the team to explore how you can become part of the NOG Energy Club and the exclusive benefits and networking opportunities that await you as a member:

Benjamin Irekpita

Commercial Sales Manager

M: +234 901 421 8872

or email info@nogenergyweek.com